At the beginning of March, the Full Moon in Virgo had us tending to details and chores and you may have begun, or even completed, your Spring Cleaning.

We are now in the Balsamic Moon Phase in Pisces, the phase right before the New Moon — a time to rest up, so you can create space for the next cycle, which is the energetic New Moon in Aries on Tuesday, March 21st.

Do you feel the energy yet? I sure do.

I went for walk on the beach yesterday and spotted the phrase “Just do it” on a woman’s shorts, which is an Aries phrase if there ever was one.


My cousin’s 5-year old daughter, an Aries, came out of the womb ready to swing across the monkey bars and leap on trampolines. Once, when she was not even 2, my cousin lost sight of her for a moment on their property and turned her head to see her happily bouncing on their big trampoline in the backyard– she had climbed the step-ladder to get on it. She figured, if my brothers can do it so can I. My cousin and her husband looked at each other with wide eyes and couldn’t help but laugh.

It is in her spirit to go for what she wants … this is the nature of Aries.

We have the opportunity during this Aries New Moon phase to go for what we want. You may have an idea or project that is forming rapidly and inspiring you to take action. You may also be reigniting something that didn’t “take off” on the first try.


One of my dearest friends is an Aries and true to the ram archetype, she is one of the number one producers at her stressful Sales job and wins every work contest they have. But there is something more to this than the thrill of winning. She grew up in Belarus, in extremely challenging circumstances, and she learned to get through her days by working hard; she was a straight A student despite her chaotic and often unsafe home environment. Working hard and winning are woven into her survival instincts.

Whatever you’re working or focusing on during this period may feel very important and necessary, and have a “Do or Die” urgency to it.

Aries lights a fire under your bottom.


At the school I work at, the children have symbols on their cubbies and chairs – a bird, a leaf, a snail, a bee .. you get the idea.

One of the 5 year old students pondered during our snack today … Ms. Nicole, what would your symbol be?

“How about the moon? I offered.

“No, a star.” She said.

I smiled. “I like that one.”

“Oh, you don’t need to like your symbol,” she answered matter-of-factly. And I knew what she meant. She meant, your symbol is what it is; you don’t get to choose it; the teachers do.

With so much Aries energy in the air (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Chiron, Vesta, and Eris!), the sign of our identity, maybe we don’t get to choose exactly what we are being called to put into action; maybe it is choosing us ... either way, it is time to blaze this new trail with everything we got.