The first step is being present for yourself. We become drawn to unavailable people and unhealthy situations when we have a deep fear of rejection and abandonment and, as a result, have abandoned and rejected ourselves.

What is Included in this Course:

Four Weekly 75 Minute Pre-Recorded Yoga/Bodywork Classes focused on the Anahata Chakra & Getting Unstuck.

A Facebook Forum to connect with me and others (if you choose), where I post a daily comment or discussion point. You may also email me questions or comments/insights privately.

Two 60-minute Integrative Counseling Sessions (we may use any combination of modalities, depending on your needs and interests).

Price: $275 (payment plans available)

Once you register, I will email you a link to a questionnaire that will help me put together a plan for our sessions together.

Please click on the upcoming Monday (below) to register; we will choose dates for your sessions by email.

