As the proverb goes, the only way out is through. The root of depression is a feeling of being unloved, unsupported, and disconnected from others. When depressed, we become disconnected from the body and our emotions. The antidote for this is cultivating connections with others, and the world around us: a sense of belonging. In order to do this, it’s necessary to first connect back to one’s self.

As Anodea Judith writes, in Eastern Body Western Mind, “to lose our connection with the body is to become spiritually homeless.”

In my 4-class series, we use yoga, pranayama and kriyas (breathing + movement techniques), meditation, and journaling/free-writing to face depression, or heavy emotions (step 1), move through them as gracefully as possible (step 2), and build a spiritual foundation, an inner home, which you can always return to (step 3), write/create. When we do this work, our relationships and connections with others (and the world us around) naturally shifts.

Class Format: Classes are online and you will receive a link each week.

What is Included:

Four 75-minute classes: Emailed to you weekly.

Facebook Forum: Where you can ask me questions and, if you choose, communicate with others in the course. You can also email me privately, if you’d prefer.

Weekly Email Check-Ins: To discuss your process and anything coming up for you.

Price: $50