Mountain Goat

The Full Moon is in Capricorn, again, and it’s as though we have come full circle from something that we were working on or involved in at the end of last month, when the moon was also in the sign of the Mountain Goat.

One of my favorite Memoirs is The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. I am drawn to her story, as many readers are, and I relate, in some ways, to her experiences. I loved that her favorite Christmas gift was the planet Venus, compliments of her dad, who, one year, when they didn’t have money for presents, took each of his kids to a spot in a field under the night sky to lay claim on her (or his) star of choice, but instead of a star Jeannette pointed to a planet and her dad agreed that, yes, Venus would be her gift. Interestingly, Jeannette is a Taurus, which makes Venus her Ruling Planet, and something of a guiding light in her life.

In typical Capricorn fashion, I also related to Jeannette’s fear of swimming and having to learn the hard way (her dad threw her into the deep end), to not fitting in, and her feeling that she needed to hide something about herself in her young adult life.

It was not lost on me that Jeannette’s dad’s nickname for her was mountain goat, Capricorn’s animal symbol, which represents the slow and steady climb to the top. Surely, Jeannette has the sign of the Mountain Goat somewhere prominent in her Natal Chart.

Shows Good Effort

As I noted last month, Capricorn is a sign that symbolizes effort. I was scrolling through photos on my cell phone when I came across one I had taken, when clearing out my mother’s home, of my high school report card. My French teacher’s comment, “Shows Good Effort,” reminded me of my Capricorn roots. We, Capricorns, always put in a good effort. It also made me a bit sad; as coursework became more difficult for me to comprehend and I lacked the support I needed to keep up with it and grasp concepts (I undoubtedly had learning disorders/differences that went undetected), that effort dwindled; I wasn’t getting anywhere and it became less painful to stop trying.

As a side-note, I am a Capricorn with Saturn, my Ruling Planet, in Retrograde motion, so my experience of this sign is likely different than a Capricorn who has Saturn direct in their natal chart (i.e., the retrograde planet, we could say, reverses the symbolism of the sign it’s in and its lessons therefore become inverted, so to speak). For more on this, read my Blog, Child of Saturn with Saturn Retrograde

If you put the work in, you will get somewhere.

In any case, Capricorn’s natural tendencies are hard work and determination. A mantra for this sign could be: If you put the work in you will get somewhere (it may just take a while).

Were you working on something last month that you have made your way through? You may, if so, feel a little lighter now than you did at the end of June. Capricorn energy tends to bring challenges and with the challenges also, sometimes, come rewards in the form of wisdom or success/authority.

You may be feeling more grounded now about an aspect of your life that was challenging but there is still change “in the air” with Uranus, the planet of revolution, in the picture. You may be working your way toward a path that feels inevitable. I have no doubt that Walls’ success came from determination, grit, and wisdom, and I also believe that her guiding planet lit the way for her, somehow stemming from a troubled yet loving force in her life – her father. He may have thrown her into the deep end when she wasn’t ready to swim, but she learned, nonetheless, to keep herself from drowning that day, and that survival instinct undoubtedly has contributed to her life’s work and success. After all, the name of her wildly popular book (The Glass Castle) is her dad’s (unrealized) dream. In a way, she brought his dream, the dream he could not fulfill, into manifestation. Capricorns tend to do that; they manifest their goals in the real world, even if it takes an entire lifetime.

During this Full Moon in Capricorn phase, consider what it is you want to manifest and how you are going to reach that mountaintop. Do you have a guiding planet — some sort of inspiration, force, or instinct that is steering you in a direction? Perhaps you have one that you are not fully utilizing. The Capricorn style of patience and determination, along with, possibly, a little help from a friend, will get you to the mountaintop one sure-footed step at a time.